Substance Abuse Foundation for Education
S. A. F. E.
Making our communities aware of how to prevent the tragedies and horrific costs of alcohol and drug abuse.

S. A. F. E.
Making our communities aware of how to prevent the tragedies and horrific costs of alcohol and drug abuse.
S.A.F.E. presents a very powerful and eye-opening presentation on how driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol impacts lives with a dreadful ripple effect. But S.A.F.E. goes beyond that... we bring new light on how little and how long alcohol and drugs can result in costly DWI/DUI arrests.
ADAPT is life-changing and life-saving information you do not want to miss, and we present this life-changing, life-altering and life-saving information free to schools, colleges, universities and businesses who request us! Stay smart and stay ahead of the trap. Find out more on our ADAPT page.
Our law enforcement experts, counselors and instructors show you how the body and alcohol system works so you can avoid the biggest misconceptions that can result in arrests or something must worse. Courses can be completed online via Telehealth or in person platform.
Law Enforcement Experts share their knowledge.
(S.A.F.E. is a Non-Profit 501c(3) community organization).
Have a court or DPS requirement to attend a certified ADSAC course? Do not know where to turn or what to do next?
Call S.A.F.E. and we will guide you through the entire process. In fact, just call us if you want free guidance on how to navigate through all substance abuse treatment the requirements. We are here to help!
And have NO FEAR, what is discussed at S.A.F.E., stays at S.A.F.E. Our belief, no matter your circumstances, is that you are valuable and important... we care and want to help you find your way back to better!
Part of your road to better is to meet the legal requirement to attend a State and Court approved ADSAC (Some courts call it a DUI school) . Come to S.A.F.E. and receive the best presentation of ADSAC in the State! Our Facilitators want to help by giving you the most productive and interesting education on ADSAC available (Alcohol and Drug Substance Abuse Course).
Special Note: By coming to S.A.F.E. for your ADSAC course, you will be helping other people in Oklahoma! A part of the fee for the ADSAC course goes towards funding our cause to provide ADAPT to your fellow Oklahomans.
Sign-up now for the 10-HR or 24-HR class by clicking here and get an immediate email confirmation of your class reservation.
S.A.F.E. presents the most educational course available in Oklahoma, bar none. Our ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program/Training) combines a traditional Victim Impact Panel perspectives in combination with intense substance abuse education elements, delivering a superior impact to clients! Our ADAPT Presentation is the only one of it's kind!
Our law enforcement experts will give you more than what is in a standard VIP. Come find out for yourself and by doing so, you will be helping yourself and other people avoid the consequences and sometimes dreadful results of driving impaired (a portion of all course proceeds helps fund our public service message).
S.A.F.E. is all about educating our clients and the public. One of our most popular courses is Anger Management. We teach a progressive, up-to-date and immediately applicable for any situation.
Our clients receive the training and tools to manage incidents with anger and prevent future situations. This cousre is a MUST for any court required anger management! Our Instructors are experts in their fields and have very flexible schedules. We have 6- week and 12-week Anger Management Courses available in group format.
Please share S.A.F.E. with anyone in need of the life-changing and life-saving information we can provide them. Maybe a person you know would just like more information of how we or our S.A.F.E. Help Partners can assist you.
One more person informed and given the tools to live and drive SAFE could mean one or more persons forever saved from tragedy and very costly consequences. Be that person that helps by sharing S.A.F.E.
Please follow us on Facebook at @Safe Oklahoma
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: Classes - Call Us!